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fonetones (FON) token

Investors can contact the current representative for Africahead, if they want to invest in Africahead equity. Download the proposal for a private placing of equity.

Further development of the fonetones brand will be funded from capital raised by issues of fonetones (FON) brand tokens and Moyom (MYM) utility tokens. Anyone can earn 17% commission when finding buyers for the tokens.

fonetones (FON) Ethereum ERC20 Token Address


NB: The white paper can change until the first tokens are sold, therefore it is important to read the most up to date white paper before buying tokens. White Paper published on 10 June 2020.


Fonetones (FON) tokens raise capital to develop the fonetones website. The tokens carry 48% of the fonetones brand value.

Token Attributes
Fonetones brand token Contract Address on the Ethereum Mainnet
0x5666bdc5c4F54f6ef65 956e315E1A674932B68d5
Remove the space in the address.
Ethereum token type: ERC-20
Exchange: Ipparts Exchange (IPPAEX)
Name of token: fonetones
Abbreviation: FON
Number of fonetones brand tokens authorised: 999'000'000'000'000 (nine hundred and ninety nine trillion)
Number of FON tokens available for the current issue: 96'969'696
Decimals: 6
Total number of ipparts (tokens X ten to the power of six): 999'000'000'000'000'000'000 (nine hundred and ninety nine quintillion) ipparts.
Total value to raise: 100'000 USD value
Amount validating the ITO: 0 (The issue of FON tokens will continue and is not dependent on a minimum amount raised).
Issue Price: February 2020 Initial price was; 71'429 FON = 1 ETH; 1 FON = 0.000'014 ETH. Issue prices increase.
Time of ITO: Starts February 2020. The initial issue will close when 100'000 USD value has been raised or 96'969'696 FON have been issued, whichever happens first ("the event").


Download .png logo.

Download .svg logo.

Planned Steps

Forming a community
Number Task Done or Not Responsibility
1 Find an objective. Done mdpienaar
2 Africahead will do the administration and management. Done Africahead
3 The community is primarily active on the Twitter handle @fonetones Done mdpienaar
4 Find a musician and web developer. Will be done when enough FON have been issued. mdpienaar
5 Issue ERC20 brand tokens to the fonetones Community. The FON tokens represent 48% of the fonetones brand. Busy at LedgerDex.com Africahead
Something like that.

Token Sales

Recommended Wallets

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imToken Wallet
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FON Exchange Counter
LedgerDex logo
Wallet to wallet

Counter bids to buy FON can be placed. If a counter bid is placed, please send an email to confirm.

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Social Media

Watch this page and tweets about $FONipp for new information and investment opportunities in the brand. The following contact details can be used:

Tel: +27(0)824477125

Email: africahead2@gmail.com.

Chat: Africahead lobby at https://gitter.im or Telegram Chat Group or WhatsApp.

Other social media profiles.

DISQUS, at the bottom of this page, can also be used.